Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Love Shack

Our room is the only one that does not have a plain white door. It has quite the opposite in fact. On the outside it is blue with a heart on it, hence the name "The Love Shack", and on the inside, it is painted red with black Hebrew lettering. Some day I hope to be able to read and understand it. I love our room. It is not like the pictures online showed. Those are the hotel rooms that the spoiled American high schoolers from the NFTY program stay in. Ours are more like little cabins. I have two roommates. One is from Boston, Michal (25), and the other is from South Africa, Kerri (22). They are both Olah Hadasha, new immigrants. The three of us get along really well and have had a lot of fun together so far. Our room seems to have become the hang out room where people always come to see what's going on. I think it's because we're the coolest and we made our room nice and homey. 

1st: The Love Shack
2nd: Our kitchen. It consists of a toaster oven, sink, electric hot water pitcher, refrigerator, and little cupboard.
3rd: Bathroom
4th: My bed and clothes cupboard, note my bedside table. It is made from a huge piece of bullet proof glass and has a bullet hole on the underside, apparently it really is  bullet proof.
5th: Our room, Kerri


  1. I love the shower curtain, I want one just like it! This is not what I pictured after seeing the website. It looks very fun. You seem to be moved in already.

  2. I hope those Camels don't get smoked inside the Love Shack!

  3. was there glitter on the front pooorch?

    btw, i've now "subscribed" to your blog via bloglines, so i can keep track of you with almost zero effort. i felafel about not reading it enough ....
