Wednesday, March 11, 2009


At the beginning of the day, we went to a lookout point to see the city of Jerusalem.  The dome of the Rock is the gold building in the center of the picture.  It was built directly on top of the Temple Mount and is the 3rd holiest cite for Mulsims (behind Mecca and Medina).  There are Israeli soldiers guarding it and Al-Aqsa mosque, both on the Temple Mount, to make sure no non-Muslims go inside.  Fights usually occur when Jews try to go inside and then soldiers have to go in and rescue them.  So it's easier for everyone if going on the Temple Mount is open exclusively to Muslims. 

The Kotel (Wester Wall) is a very moving site.  It was an experience unlike any I have ever had.  Many people were moved to tears at the time, and others were later when we discussed our experiences.  The section on the right is for women and the left is for men.  The men's side is about twice as large.  There are guards all around the perimeter and a security checkpoint to get in.  Everyone must pass through a metal detector.  The Tzomet Institute and chief rabbis of Jerusalem have determined that passing through the metal detectors is not a violation of the Sabbath.

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