Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jerusalem Market on Shabbat

On Friday afternoon we went to a market in Jerusalem.  It was mad.  It was packed with people getting ready for Shabbat.  Our group broke into smaller groups of about five people with an Israeli soldier in each group.  Each group was assigned something to buy for Shabbat, such as flowers, fruit, and sweets.  We also got some falafel for lunch.

Our group had a little service that night and then we all stayed up late drinking wine, singing, and eating the food we bought at the market.  It was really interesting to see how the other inhabitants of our hotel celebrated.  There was a group of Hasidic Jews who celebrated very enthusiastically.  We heard the men davening downstairs and saw the women and babies upstairs schmoozing.  Around the dinner table, they all sang loudly and pounded the table.  They partied as late into the night as we did.  The elevator at our hotel was set to Shabbat mode, which means that it automatically stopped at every floor so no buttons had to be pushed. There were also packets of special pre-ripped Shabbat toilet paper in all the bathrooms.

1st: Market scene
2nd: Challah back...
3rd: Me trying on a Purim costume
4th: Our group eating falafel. Amy, Ezra, Yosi (our Israeli soldier), Isaac, Chira, Me

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